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Best Training CoursesPrice Action CoursesFree for BeginnersLearn the Right WayHow to Choose
We all know knowledge is power. And you would be hard-pressed to find a more suitable saying for the world of forex.
Whilst traders of all levels should continually up-skill and broaden their knowledge, the learning to trade is especially important for those who are just starting out and eager to give it a go.
Forex trading covers such a broad spectrum – from futures, options and spots, to leverage, brokers and trading platforms. With such a diverse topic, and the potential to be lead astray, you might be wondering how exactly do you learn to trade forex?
To help, we’ve put together a list of the 19 best forex trading courses and training providers we could find.
From free courses for beginners, to paid training providers and price action trading, here’s everything you need to become a better forex trader.
Compare forex courses
Learning to trade forex can be an intimating. Sometimes, all we need is a little help to get us started. Structured guidance from a true professional will build a solid foundation upon which to grow your forex trading knowledge.
Platinum Trading Academy
Get a personalised 20 minute call with a dedicated professional trader/mentor to discuss your needs and goals (Yours Free)GET YOUR (FREE) TWO-DAY TRIAL
Learn from the best with a Live Forex Trading Room, Live Streams, Forex Signals, Video Courses, Chat and much more.START YOUR FREE 5-DAY TRIAL
Top online trading courses tailored for the beginner and the pro trader, by high profile traders – free to get started. T&Cs apply.LEARN TO TRADE (FOR FREE)
Six Figure Capital
Join pro trader Lewis Glasgow and learn to trade the forex market in just 14 days.SEE PLANS AND PRICING
Traders Academy Club
Join live trading room sessions hosted by pro trader Vladimir Ribakov. Plans start at only $97 per year.JOIN THE CLUB
Forex training courses, communities and coaches
Below you will find a list of top forex training providers. Each of them provides either a course to buy, or a subscription to their community or training materials.
1. Platinum Trading Academy
Video’s, strategies, blog posts, learning to trade – the Platinum Trading Academy has an enormous amount of information available for free on their site that will be valuable to traders of any experience level.
In terms of premium products, there are a few different levels of training courses – from foundation to elite. They also offer a Trading Television product which is a live and interactive forex webinar you can book in to watch. They have various topics including news, live trading signals, and education throughout the day so you can just choose whatever is of interest.
Get a free trial of their ‘Master Forex Education’ training course ⟶
2. Bizintra
Develop your trading skill set with Bizintra and learn to consistently place intelligent trades with confidence. Bizintra believes that if you wish to trade live you need to be taught in a live environment – complimented by on-demand videos, daily trading signals and access to live traders at the times you need them. Bizintra provides the live education and support for you to become a confident trader.
High profile traders like Nick Leeson deliver Bizintra’s comprehensive programmes over the course of 3 months. On top of that their Alpha Programme is sponsored (free) to keep the cost down. To attain a sponsored place simply register with Bizintra, then setup and deposit $250 min into a trading account with one of their partner brokers (you’re free to withdraw your deposit at anytime if trading turns out not to be for you).
Learn to trade (for free) with Bizintra, register now ⟶
3. Six Figure Capital
If beautiful websites are your thing then check out Six Figure Capital. Trader and owner, Lewis Glasgow, has created a sleek and simple 14 day course suitable for all experience levels.

By purchasing the course you gain lifetime access to the content which includes the initial 14-day course, a community section, market analysis, live trading signals, and a further nine modules to enhance your knowledge even more. The payment options are via a one-off fee or 12 monthly payments. You can see a bunch of reviews on the website and a complete run-down of the content covered.
Learn more about Six Figure Capital ⟶
4. Winners Edge Trading
Featured on multiple sites like Forbes, Babypips, and the blog, Winners Edge Trading is well known within the industry. On their site you will find a few free tools such as forex calculators, a trader profile quiz, as well as an economic calendar linked through to relevant news items.

In addition, they offer two premium services which provide access to their ‘Strike 3.0’ product. You have the option of Advanced or Titanium plans, at US$49* or US$97* per month respectively. In addition to the training aspect, these plans offer more in-depth trading support including alerts and software. The more expensive plan also includes access to a live trading room and calls, as well as advanced training modules.
*Prices accurate at time of writing.
5. Learn to Trade
Learn to Trade is an Australian based trader education site with a lot of free resources leading you through to their paid mentorship programs. You can begin with a free info pack to learn some basics about forex trading and then register for one of their free live FX workshops which take place around Australia at various dates throughout the year.
You can then delve into specific strategies and sign up for their one-on-one coaching. Choosing a one-on-one coaching education is going to be more expensive than most of the online courses out there, but if you’re serious about learning to become a trader then it could be the right option for you.
6. Trade with Precision
With the belief that trading is a precision activity, Nick McDonald and the Trade with Precision team have developed their strategies into a precise method which includes technical principles, mindset, and risk management techniques.

They offer a great selection of training courses to suit all levels and budgets. There are five tiers to choose from, ranging from US$495* for Bronze up to US$13,295* for the Diamond package. There are various add-ons at each level but the basic component of the training is an online streamed recording to work through and then a couple of weeks access to revisit and go over the more tricky topics again.
*Prices accurate at time of writing
7. 2nd Skies Forex
As one of the highest rated forex training courses on the blog Forex Peace Army, 2nd Skies Forex delivers a range of top quality programs. If you’re just getting started, you can undertake the free beginners course consisting of 12 chapters with content from ‘what is the forex market?’ all the way through to ‘Professional Price Action Trading Strategies.’

Once you are comfortable with the basics, 2nd Skies then offers a couple of different premium courses, in the vicinity of US$600 (sometimes reduced if a special offer is running.) These include an Advanced Price Action Course, Advanced Traders Mindset Course, and an Advanced Ichimoku Course.
8. The Forex Trading Coach
With a pretty self explanatory title, and the slogan “creating successful forex traders,” if you’re looking to learn about forex then The Forex Trading Coach is a site you should be visiting.
Run by Andrew Mitchem, a trader from New Zealand, his online course ‘The Successful Trader System’ has coached people from more than 58 countries around the world. He teaches the system that he utilizes in his own trades every day and on top of the training, includes daily trade recommendations and weekly live trading room webinars for those who purchase his course. If you’re after even more then consider his one-on-one training which includes a full day live training wherever you’re based around the globe.
9. Forex Mentor Pro
Since 2008, Forex Mentor Pro has been helping traders to understand the forex market and learn new trading systems. They have content for beginners as well as courses based on specific strategies which can all be accessed via a monthly subscription.

As per most subscription offerings, there is a decent discount available if you pay the year in advance. Included with the subscription is access to their three trading systems, daily video analysis of trades, proprietary trading indicators, step-by-step forex video training, private members forum, plus help and support.
10. Market Traders Institute
Market Traders Institute offer multiple high level software programs and courses – mostly suited to those with a bit of experience in the forex market and looking to learn a new strategy or take it to the next level.

Key items include their Live Market Trading Club, where you can meet with pro traders twice per week and gain access to a bunch of helpful tools, and their Momentum Breakout Course which is aimed at making opportunities easy to see. They also have a few free tools like live webinar, ebooks, and video tutorial for those who want to sample their products and style before purchasing.
11. Trading Academy
The Online Trading Academy features a rating of 4.73 stars (out of 5) from a whopping 137,000 reviews. If that’s not impressive enough then they also hold free half-day training courses all around the world – simply visit their site and find one near you. Their training system starts with the free half-day live training before progressing through various levels of courses and eventually joining the mastermind community.

They offer tailored training based on your goals – from asset choice (stocks, forex, futures, or options) to investment strategy (either an income or wealth solution.) This is a great method of training as it ensures the user is obtaining the most relevant knowledge. They also offer a free Online Trading Course which you can access by providing your email.
Forex price action courses
‘Price action’ is a term given to how a currency price moves overtime. Traders can interpret the way a currency pair moves to make predictions about the future. Whilst some of the trainers mentioned above touch on this topic, these courses below focus more exclusively on this concept.
12. Forex4Noobs
As you may have guessed, Forex4Noobs is specifically targeted at helping the new members of the forex community to understand how price action works. You can start by signing up to the free weekly newsletter which provides price action analysis and trading tips. The next step is to cover off the basics. There are over 15 topics covered under this section to make sure you know what you’re getting into.

Finding a broker and creating a risk management plan are pretty big steps and Forex4Noobs also have a free course covering these topics. Finally, you can sign up for the Forex Mastermind to access five advanced modules plus a forum with other traders. Pricing is lifetime access for one lump sum payment or three monthly payments.
13. The Forex Guy
Getting access to the ‘Price Action War Room’ on The Forex Guy’s website will enable you to access a forex trading course to teach you how to read charts like a pro, chart of the day commentary, weekly video tutorials, trading community with forums and chat room, trade management panel software, and a custom candlestick generator.

You can enter the war room for one lump sum payment or three weekly payments for lifetime access.
14. Learn to Trade the Market
With a one-time fee you gain life-time access to Nial Fuller’s ‘Price Action Forex Trading Course’ which offers a comprehensive training guide, tutorial videos, daily trade set up newsletter, and email support. Nial has been trading the financial market for over 14 years, gaining invaluable experience as a trader, coach and author.

He has featured in Reuters, the Street, Money,, and FX Street, amongst others. His training course is focused on teaching you price action strategies. This is better suited to those who understand the basics of forex trading already.
15. Daily Price Action
Justin Bennett is an experienced trader offering courses on a couple of different strategies via his website Daily Price Action. If you’re a true beginner, then he has also created a ‘New to Forex’ section which will take you through all the basics including terminology and Metatrader 4 installation.

If you already understand the basics and are ready for paid material then you can subscribe to his Pro Forex Community. Benefits include more in-depth training, video tutorials, an experienced mentor, as well as membership to the community forums and discussions.
16. Forex School Online
In contention for ‘most self-explanatory title’ is Forex School Online which is a free online beginners trading course created by price action trader, Johnathon Fox.

Once you have a grasp of the basics, you can then enroll in his ‘Advanced Price Action Trading Course’ to learn some specific strategies you can apply to your own trading. As part of this membership, and in addition to the price action strategies; you will receive a psychology course, members videos and articles, access to the live price action setups forum, and email support with Johnathon Fox himself.
Free courses for beginners
A selection of the best free forex training courses which are perfect for beginners or traders just starting out.
17. FX Academy
With possibly one of the most comprehensive free forex courses around, FX Academy have a lot to offer traders of all levels. You can learn within your own schedule and can chose the topics that are of most value to you.

The best feature would have to be the interactive learning aspect of their courses – with quizzes and videos featuring throughout, they keep you engaged through the whole process.
18. Baby Pips
Baby Pips is probably one of the more well known forex blogs out there and they have a newly created ‘school’ offering free education for anyone interested in learning about forex.

They have a simple philosophy of how to become a successful trader: “make pips, keep pips, repeat.” But they don’t shy away from telling you it’s going to be difficult. Their course is well structured with levels ranging from ‘preschool’ to ‘graduation’ with maybe a few too many puns throughout! If you enjoy their humour then this course could be the perfect forex entry point.
19. Forex Peace Army
Another well know forex forum, who also have an education arm, is forex peace army. Not lacking for content, and military like in their delivery, this free course is packed with knowledge for all who get involved.

You can simply head to their ‘forex military school’ page and scroll through the chapters to find what you need, or simply start from the beginning. It’s all on one page and is super easy to navigate through. A well-structured and comprehensive guide.
Remember, trading foreign exchange carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage can work against you as well as for you. There is a possibility that you can lose some or all of your investment so don’t risk more than you can afford to lose. Seek independent financial advice if necessary.
How to learn forex trading
Now that you’ve been overwhelmed with course and training options, we thought it would only be fair to offer some suggestions on how to choose the right one.
The subject can be broken into two different categories – general knowledge and price action knowledge. The first two groups of courses above (under Free Online Courses and Forex Training Providers) are ‘general’ forex market training. And the last group (Forex Price Action Courses) are sites specifically focused on price action strategies. If you are completely new to the world of forex, for example you aren’t sure what price action strategies are, then you should be focusing on general knowledge first.
Once you know what category of training you seek, you need to decide on whether you want free education or are happy to pay for the knowledge. If you have a lot of time and are fairly new to forex trading then your best bet is to undertake as many free courses as you can to build up your general knowledge and find out what specific areas you would like to focus on.
When you’re ready to purchase some forex education, you will decide on signing up for an online course, possibly with a community membership aspect, or finding someone you admire and joining a one-on-one mentoring program. The latter is the most expensive option by far but will provide you with highly personalized training and superior support through your early trades. This option will be excessive for most, and generally people will be happy paying a subscription or lump sum fee for life-time access to an in-depth training course plus ongoing membership to a community with regular trading support.
How to choose the best training course
If you are seriously considering paying for a course then it’s imperative you find one that is going to work for you. There are a few different factors that need to be considered.
How have others rated this course? There are many review sites and you can almost always find reviews on a certain course by typing the course name into google followed by ‘review’. You could also access various forex forums and communities to see what others have to say about a particular course.
Time, Cost and Subject Material
Do you want a course drip fed to you over a few weeks or would you prefer to access the entire collection of training material at once? As mentioned above, you need to consider what stage you are at in your education and whether a paid course would be suitable or not. You also need to assess whether the content of a particular course will actually cover the topics you need to learn. This applies to both free courses and paid topics. There’s no point spending a week learning the exact same material as a previous course.
Compatible Teacher
In order to find a coach that you will enjoy working with, you need to short-list a bunch of programs you’re interested in then reach out to those coaches to start an initial conversation. This is a gut feeling kind of activity so it’s hard to offer advice here, but basically try and gauge how responsive they are, how excited they sound about their course and forex in general, and how sincere they seem. This relates to online training courses as well as one-on-one mentoring.
Avoid Scams
Checking the reviews should be a good start in avoiding any potential scams. Another key indicator of a less desireable site or course is one guaranteeing or proposing outrageous returns. Forex trading is a long term game that requires a sound knowledge of the concept and the application of logical strategies. All courses should be focused on teaching you about the forex world in general, and then include some of the coaches personal strategies that they use for trading. Anything with a ‘get rich quick’ feel to it is not worth the time it took to download the page and you should stay away.
Trading forex can be an ultimately rewarding experience, but you must learn the ins and outs first. There is a lot of risk involved and this most definitely outweighs the returns for those who jump the gun and start trading without being fully prepared. Take the time to work on your education – it’s the most important aspect of forex trading. Knowledge is power, and that power will enable you to make logical decisions and continue trading long past the time when a lot of players have gone bust.